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What does your child need for preschool?
Preschool Kit List
All children attending the setting will need to bring:
Spare clothes
Wellies and suitable outdoor clothing
Sunhats (we ask all parents to ensure in summer months that children have suncream already applied before arriving at preschool).
Parents of children who are not fully toilet trained are asked to provide enough nappies to last the day
All clothes and wellies should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
Forest School Kit List
All children attending Forest School will need to bring:
All seasons:
Waterproof trousers – even in the summer, these are necessary to protect from stinging nettles and scratches
Waterproof coat – if not worn, this should be in their bags in case of a change of weather
One pair of comfortable trousers
Long sleeves need to be worn at all times as there is a high risk of horsefly bites
Wellies or sturdy closed toe shoes (which you don’t mind getting wet and muddy!)
Spare trousers & socks in backpacks (more than one set of each plus underwear if toilet training)
In the winter:
Multiple warm layers, including base thermals
Warm hat & gloves (at least two pairs of gloves)
Extra socks
Warm food and/or hot drink
In the summer:
Sun hat
Sun cream and insect repellent, ideally the all-day types, applied before they arrive in the morning and included in their bags for any additional applications required
Plenty of water